Category: Muslim History

Commanders of the Muslim Army By Mahmood Ahmad Ghadanfar

Commanders of the Muslim Army By Mahmood Ahmad Ghadanfar Free Download Commanders of the Muslim Army Among the Companions of the Prophet (s.a.w) written by Mahmood Ahmad Ghadanfar. Translated into English by Jamila Muhammad Qawi and edited by Muhammad Ayub Sapra. This book isĀ about the life and achievements of the Prophet’s Companions who led the […]

Tariq bin Ziyad in Urdu

Tariq bin Ziyad  The book “Tariq bin Ziyad” in the light of history. The book was written by H.A L Greg and translated into Urdu by Misbah Akram.  Tariq ibn Ziyad was a brave Muslim general who led the Islamic conquest of Hispania in 711-718 A.D. He’s thought of to be one among the foremost […]

Atlas Futuhat-e-Islamia Complete 3 Volumes

Atlas Futuhat-e-Islamia Complete 3 Volumes Free Download Pdf Atlas Futuhat e Islamia is a step-by-step complete history of the Islamic victories from the time of the first Caliph of Islam Hazrat Abu Bakr (Radiyallahu Anhu) to the climax of the last caliphate of Usmania. The book Atlas Futuhate Islamia was written by Ahmad Adil Kamal […]

Arab Ka Chand By Sadiq Hussain Siddique

  Title name of the book is “Arab Ka Chand” Written by Sadiq Hussain Siddique. An Islamic historic novel in Urdu language in pdf format. Story of the brave solders of Islam. Story of the battles of the Islamic heroes, learn how the Islamic solders defeated the huge number of Christian Army about 3 lac […]