Al Hidayah By Burhan Al-Din Abu Al-Hasan Ali Ibn Abi Bakr Al-Farghani Al-Marghinani

Al Hidayah By Burhan Al-Din Abu Al-Hasan Ali Ibn Abi Bakr Al-Farghani Al-Marghinani

Al Hidayah By Burhan Al-Din Abu Al-Hasan Ali Ibn Abi Bakr Al-Farghani Al-Marghinani PDF Free Download

Al Hidayah by Burhan al-Din Abu al-Hasan Ali Ibn Abi Bakr al-Farghani al-Marghinani is a great and unique masterpiece of Hanafi Fiqh (jurisprudence). It’s been said that Burhan al-Din Abu al-Hasan Ali Ibn Abi Bakr al-Farghani al-Marghinani spent 13 years writing this book.

Therefore, Allah accepted his book due to its great effort and authenticity. Islamic educational institutions have utilized this text for decades, if not centuries. According to the Hanafi school, it is the most trustworthy Fiqh (the science of Islamic jurisprudence) work.

The author selected two books to write a comprehensive text. One of these two books is Al Mukhtasar Ul Quduri and the other is Jami al-Saghir of Imam Muhammad. He named that comprehensive text Bidayat Al-Mubtadi. Then he also wrote the Sharh of Bidayat Al-Mubtadi himself and named that Sharh as Kifayat Al-Muntahi. Kifayat Al-Muntahi consisted of 80 volumes. Since this sharh was very long, the author shortened it for the convenience of the readers and wrote a four-volume book. He named that four-volume book Al Hidayah.

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