Al Hidayah By Burhan Al-Din Abu Al-Hasan Ali Ibn Abi Bakr Al-Farghani Al-Marghinani

Al Hidayah By Burhan Al-Din Abu Al-Hasan Ali Ibn Abi Bakr Al-Farghani Al-Marghinani

Al Hidayah By Burhan Al-Din Abu Al-Hasan Ali Ibn Abi Bakr Al-Farghani Al-Marghinani PDF Free Download

The full name of the author is Burhan al-Din Abu al-Hasan Ali Ibn Abi Bakr al-Farghani al-Marghinani. His title is Burhan al-Din and his surname is Abu al-Hasan. His name is Ali and his father’s name is Abu Bakr. 

The author selected two books to write a comprehensive text. One of these two books is Al Mukhtasar Ul Quduri and the other is Jami al-Saghir of Imam Muhammad. He named that comprehensive text Bidayat Al-Mubtadi. Then he also wrote the Sharh of Bidayat Al-Mubtadi himself and named that Sharh as Kifayat Al-Muntahi. Kifayat Al-Muntahi consisted of 80 volumes. Since this sharh was very long, the author shortened it for the convenience of the readers and wrote a four-volume book. He named that four-volume book Al Hidayah.

Al Hidayah is a great and unique masterpiece of Hanafi Fiqh (jurisprudence). Burhan al-Din Abu al-Hasan Ali Ibn Abi Bakr al-Farghani al-Marghinani completed writing this book in 13 years. He also fasted continuously for 13 years and wrote this book while fasting. Therefore, thanks to his hard work and sincerity, Allah accepted his book. For hundreds of years, this book has been part of the curriculum in Islamic schools. This is the most reliable book of Fiqh (jurisprudence) by Hanafi.

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