Do Quran by Dr. Ghulam Jilani Barq

Do Quran Book

Do Quran by Dr. Ghulam Jilani Barq Free Download

Do Quran (The Tow Quran) book authored by Dr. Ghulam Jilani Barq. In this book, as the name indicates, it has been described that there is two Quran. One which exists in every Muslim home in book form and stored in the memory of each Hafidh ul Quran. And the second is in front of our eyes in the form of this universe. This earth, the sun, the moon, the sky with countless shining stars, the clouds and winds, the water, the fragrant flowers, the birds, the terrible beast of the sea and land, the gold, silver, aluminum, coal and iron mines, the mountains, the deserts and the vast sea, all these are the verses of this Quran.

The first Quran contains written chapters and verses and the second Quran contains practical chapters and verses. One Quran is a code of principles and laws, while the second (Universe) is the practical interpretation of the Holy Quran.

Islamic Urdu book “Do Quran” is now available to read online and download. Click on the below mentioned links to read online or download it in Pdf format.

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