New Horizon: Global Perspective on Islamic Banking and Insurance

New Horizon: Global Perspective on Islamic Banking and Insurance Pdf Free Download

New Horizon: Global Perspective on Islamic Banking and Insurance Pdf Free Download

New Horizon Magazine: Global Perspective on Islamic Banking and Insurance by Institute of Islamic Banking and Insurance. This edition cover the following issues:
  1. Are Credit cards Shariah Compliant?
  2. Food For Thought: Role of Shariah Scholars
  3. Analysis: Operational risk in Islamic Banking
  4. IIBI Launches Diploma in Islamic Banking
  5. Status of ownership in Islamic sale contract
  6. Islamic Banks: Regulation and Supervision
Institute of Islamic Banking and Insurance is the global leader in ethical banking solutions. Islamic instruments engine, Islamic investments, Islamic trade finance, Ijara E-Card, Corporate/ Retail finance, Islamic windows, Islamic workflow engine and Islamic delivery channels.
Click on the following link to download New Horizon Global Perspective on Islamic Banking and Insurance in Pdf format.

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