Wisdom of Hakim Luqmaan 500 Gems By Yousuf Kathaar Muhammad

Wisdom of Hakeem Luqman

Wisdom of Hakim Luqmaan 500 Gems By Yousuf Kathaar Muhammad Pdf Free Downloads

The book ‘Wisdom of Hakim Luqman 500 Gems’ Written by Kathaar Muhammad, Translated and edited by Mufti Afzal Hossen Elias.

This book is a rare gift to the reader which mentions the numerous gems of wisdom of Hazrat Luqman a.s. Each numbered point has within itself various advices and admonitions. Counting these separately amounts to over 500. That is why we have included our own sub-title to the booklet “500 Gems”.
Whilst defining “Wisdom”, it is stated as the commentary “We certainly granted wisdom to Luqmaan”.
Shiekh Yousuf Kathaar Muhammad has excellently put together the pearls of Hazrat Luqmaan and has also well referred same.

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