Ibrahim Lodhi By Aslam Rahi M.A Free Download in PDF.
Sultan Ibrahim Lodhi was the elder son of ruler Sikandar Lodhi. He became ruler on the death of his father ruler, Sikandar Lodhi, in 1526. He was the last ruler of the Lodhi family. Ibrahim was an ethnic Afghan from his father’s side. He earned the throne upon his father’s death, Sikandar Lodhi; however, he wasn’t blessed with identical ruling capability. He faced a variety of problems. The Miwar Raja Rana Singh extended his state to Uttar Pradesh and was vulnerable to attack Agra.
There was also a rebellion within the East. He additionally pissed off the nobility once he replaced previous and senior commanders with younger ones loyal to him. He was feared and loathed by his subjects. His Afghan nobility eventually invited Babur to invade the Asian country.