The mention of the name Yousuf normally makes one recall the story of the great Prophet of Allah, Yousuf (A,S). His detailed mention in the Quran, in a chapter under the same name, holds host to a whole range of lessons, meanings and emotions waiting to be embraced by the keen of mind. This is Surah Yousuf a mark of all mankind.
This book attempts to bring the meanings and deeper interpretations of this Surah to the doorstep of the reader. While maintaining the authenticity of sources, this commentary unveils the story of Yousuf (A.S) as well as opens the door to many sub-topics buried within the Surah. Dreams and interpretations, slavery, kinship and forbearance are some of the insights brought to light for the benefit of the reader.
Surah Yousuf is a tale of many contradistinctions of love and longing and patient forbearance in the face of loss. It provides a compelling account of the Divine reward for patient endurance. This Tafseer is a powerful antidote to the modern values of instant gratification that Western Muslims in particular, aspire toward.
The lesson of Surah Yousuf is inspiring. The excellence of Prophet Yusuf (a.s) character shows that lasting contentment comes through obedience of Allah. The trials that Prophet Yousuf (a.s) experienced, were born through his dignity and compassion.
This book is an enlightening and educational reading for one seeking a comprehensive understanding of an aspect revealed in the Islamic scripture, the Holy Quran. Download in pdf format to read offline.
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