Category: Books by Qazi Abdus Samad Sarim

Tareekh ul Tafseer By Qazi Abdus Samad Sarim


Tareekh ul Tafseer By Qazi Abdus Samad Sarim Tareekh ul Tafseer is an Islamic book providing complete history of Tafseer in Urdu language. The was written by Qazi Abdus Samad Sarim. A valuable account of work on the Islamic history on Tafseer of the Holy Quran. Learn in Urdu language. Download the complete book from […]

Tareekh ul Hadees By Qazi Abdus Samad Sarim


Tareekh ul Hadees Urdu Hasanat ul Akhbar well known as Tareekh ul Hadees is an Islamic book providing the complete history of Hadiths. This book was written by Qazi Abdus Samad Sarim. Click on the following link to download the book in Pdf format. Download Tareekh ul Hadith Urdu Pdf